
Interview with Mr. Shigeya Kawagishi on SPORTS BUSINESS LABORATORY

Blue United Corporation and Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting LLC have launched the SPORTS BUSINESS LABORATORY, which will promote research and demonstrations aimed at expanding the sports business in Japan, based on an alliance agreed to in February 2023, and have now begun full-scale activities.

At this time, we bring you the interview with Mr. Shigeya Kawagishi, President and CEO of Football Club Tokyo.

How do the various experiences he has gained at top companies in several industries lead him to his current work? To understand his way of thinking, in the first part of this interview, we focused on the topic of his backbone.

In the second part, he explained in detail the goals and management processes implemented in the partnership department.

SPORTS BUSINESS LABORATORY is here(https://sportsbizlab.deloitte.jp/).

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