
Interview with Mr. Masaaki Ohkawa on SPORTS BUSINESS LABORATORY

In a June 2024 interview, Mr. Masaaki Ohkawa, from Japan Volleyball League (V.League), talked about his experience in the J.League (soccer), B-League (basketball), and V.League, where he has demonstrated his managerial skills, making it a compelling read.

His words are very persuasive, not only for volleyball but also for the future of the sport in Japan. Take a look at this article based on his wealth of experience, including what it takes to bring together and lead people from various walks of life.


*Blue United Corporation and Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting LLC have launched the SPORTS BUSINESS LABORATORY, which will promote research and demonstrations aimed at expanding the sports business in Japan, based on an alliance agreed to in February 2023, and have now begun full-scale activities(For more information, click here

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